Gratitude Bundle
Introducing our extraordinary Gratitude Bundle, designed to transform your life with the power of gratitude.
Dive into a 28-day guided gratitude journal that will ignite a profound shift in your mindset, as you embark on a transformative journey of self-reflection and appreciation. Each page is carefully crafted to guide you through a series of prompts and exercises, helping you discover the true essence of gratitude and its incredible potential to enhance every aspect of your life.
Included in this remarkable bundle is an exclusive hour and a half webinar featuring, Bethany Inez where she shares her wisdom on the power of gratitude and how to effortlessly incorporate it into your daily routine. With her engaging storytelling and practical tips, Bethany will unlock the secrets to cultivating a mindset of gratitude, allowing you to experience a deeper sense of joy, fulfillment, and abundance.
This is an invitation to surrender to the beauty of the present moment, to surrender to the transformative magic of gratitude. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Take hold of the life-changing Gratitude Bundle and unlock the profound power within you. Witness how the world around you transforms, as gratitude weaves its way into the fabric of your being, forever altering the lens through which you perceive the world.
Meet the Gratitude Expert
Bethany Inez
Bethany is an Intuitive Coach, Healthy Living Expert and the creator of Splendor. Everything that Bethany shares is close to her own heart, because her offerings were created as a result of her working through her own personal journey.
If you ask Bethany what her favourite daily practice is she will tell you it's her gratitude practice, where each morning she creates a list of 50 new things she is grateful for. Because this brings so much beauty into Bethany's life, this is a non-negotiable part of her day. In this webinar she will explain the depths to how gratitude has shaped her life so you will understand why this practice has become essential to her.
Bethany believes that a practice of gratitude transforms lives, connecting you deeply with the beauty of life and into your partnership with Spirit energy. 'Gratitude raises your vibration, has you seeing the beauty in each moment, (knowing how precious and essential each one is) and brings you into flow with life energy. It literally is THE practice to up-level your life.'
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